| Binazir Sankibayeva | Issue 154 (Jul - Aug 2023)
This article has been viewed 11586 times
Revelation has come to liberate me
From the power of sin
That’s been integrated
As a standard of norm
As a power of hope
To restore justice in the world
Kingdom and power
All they devour
Assuming this life is eternal
False promises are all what they’ve heard of
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Reflections on “The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View”
I have read numerous books and written reviews of some, but The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View gave me a special reflection treat thanks to the brilliance, effort, and integrity of Dr. Craig Considine who offers in the book some foundations…
How to Respond to Oppression
Question: Oppression is everywhere and exists in almost every form. How should believers respond to oppression when they have to face it?
Oppression, at its most basic form, is a transgression of boundaries and a violation of others’ rights. Killi…
The Theological Dimension of the Thought of M. Fethullah Gülen (Part 1)
Gülen as Spiritual Master
In recent years, much has been written about the thought of Fethullah Gülen and the activities of the “Gülen community” [1] from diverse perspectives. Some have focused on his pedagogical principles and methods in an effor…
The Reason Why
On the back cover of the 2017 May-June edition of this magazine we were reminded of the knot that binds us to the tangle we have made of human existence. Releasing the knot, one would contend, requires first an awareness of the nature of the knot, w…